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数学学院、所2019年系列学术报告(第36场):K. Hlyniana

发表于: 2019-04-10   点击: 

时间:410 900-1130

地点: 数学楼第二学术报告厅

报告人: K. Hlyniana

报告人简介: K. Hlyniana博士是乌克兰国家科学院数学所随机过程理论系新进的研究员,她的研究方向是离散时间随机流,直线上布朗粒子流。

Title“Asymptotic properties of number of clusters in coalescing stochastic flows”.

AbstractThe system of coalescing Brownian particles on the real line is considered. It is known that for any positive time t particles that start from every point of the interval [a,b] are coalesced into a finite number of points. We consider the number of clusters formed by the particles of a flow starting from the interval [0; n] and prove the central limit theorem for it as n goes to infinity. Moreover, the Berry-Essen type inequality for these variables is established.