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发表于: 2017-11-30   点击: 

















Applied and computational mathematics


Machine learning for scattering problem.

Numerical methods for American option.

Mathematical model for early tumor.


Computational method

Scientific Computational method

Scientific modeling and its realization
Finite element method for PDE (postgraduate)

Current Ph.D. : Yan Jiang, Xuechen Mu, Fuchang Huo, Jingrong Yang.

Former Master: Yongcun Song (AP, CityU).

Former Ph.D. : Yu Gao (Post-doct, HKUST).

Former Post-doct : Qiong Wu (AP, CIEE, JLU).

Former Ph.D. as co-advise : B.X. Zhu (AP, JLU), Haiming Song (AP, JLU), Jingshi Li (AP, NUIST), Jiachuan Zhang (AP, NUT), Yongle Hao (AP, ZKNU), Qianru Liu(Lecture, HNUT).


1995-1999, B.S.,  Computational Mathematics, JLU.
1999-2000, M.S.,  Computational Mathematics, JLU.
2000-2006, Ph.D., Computational Mathematics, JLU.
2003-2008, Jointed Ph.D., Computational Mathematics, CUHK.


2006.09-2011.09, Lecturer, JLU
2008.08-2010.07, Postdoc, MSU
2008.07-2008.08, Visiting Scholar, Department of Mathematics, CUHK
2009.08, Visiting Scholar, Department of Mathematics, IWU
2010.04, Visiting Scholar, Department of Mathematics, AU
2011.09-2015.09, Associate Professor, JLU
2014.07-2014.08, Visiting Professor, Department of Mathematics, HKBU

2015.09- 2020.05, Professor, JLU

2020.06- Now, Tang Aoqing Professor, JLU


Principal Investigator

1. 2006-2007, The Youth Foundation, Jilin University.

2. 2008-2010, NSF of China (No.10701039).

3. 2011-2013, Forefront of science and interdisciplinary innovation projects of Jilin University.

4. 2012-2013, Open Project Program of the State Key Lab of CAD & CG(No.A1302).

5. 2014-2015, Scientific research foundation for the returned overseas Chinese scholars.

6. 2014-2015, Open project program of the Jilin provincial science and technology department.

7. 2015.01-2018.12, NSF of China (No.11471141).

8. 2015.01-2017.12, The basic research of the science and technology development program of Jilin province (No.20150101058JC).

9. 2018.01-2019.12, The key laboratory of symbolic computation and knowledge engineering of ministry of education, Jilin University (No.93K172018Z01).

10. 2019.01-2022.12, NSF of China (No.11871245).

11. 2023.01-2026.12, NSF of China (No.12271207).

12. 2024.12-2029.12, National Key Research and Development Plan (No.2024YFA1012302), Subject.


1. 2010-2012, NSF of China (No.10971082), second member.

2. 2010-2013, NSF of China (No.11076014), second member.

3. 2010-2013, NSF of China (No.11071103), second member.

4. 2016-2018, NSAF of China (No.U153010036), third member.

5. 2017.07-2021.06, National Key Research and Development Plan (No.2017YFC06016), Subject.

6. 2017.07-2021.06, National Key Research and Development Plan (No.2017YFC06022), Subject.

7. 2021.05-2025.04, The fundamental research funds for the central universities, Subject.


Selected SCI paper (Total 65 paper)


1. H.Y. Liu and K. Zhang, Multi-symplectic Runge-Kutta type methods for Hamiltonian wave equations. IMA J. Numer. Anal., 26, 2006, 252-271.

2. Y.P. Lin, K. Zhang and J. Zou, Studies on some perfectly matched layers for one-dimensional time-dependent systems. Adv. Comput. Math., 30, 2009, 1-35.

3. M. Li, S.M. Gao and K. Zhang, Goal-oriented engineering analysis error estimation of design simplification. Comput. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engin, 255, 2013, 89-103.

4. Y.L. Hao, F.D. Kang, J.Z. Li and K. Zhang, A numerical method for Maxwell's equations with random interfaces via shape calculus and pivoted low-rank approximation. J. Comput. Phys., 371, 2018, 1-18.

5. G. Bao, Y.Z. Cao, Y.L. Hao, and K. Zhang, A robust numerical method for the random interface grating problem via shape calculus, weak Galerkin method, and low-rank approximation. J. Sci. Comput., 77(1), 2018, 419-442.

6. M. Li, L.C. Zhu, J.Z. Li and K. Zhang, Efficient optimal design of interconnected anisotropic porous structures using extended triply periodic minimal surfaces. J. Comput. Phys., 425, 2021, 109909.

7. Y. Gao, H.Y. Liu, X.C. Wang and K. Zhang, On an artificial neural network for inverse scattering problems. J. Comput. Phys., 448, 2022, 110771.

8. Y. Gao, H.Y. Liu, X.C. Wang and K. Zhang, A Bayesian scheme for reconstructing obstacles in acoustic waveguides. J. Sci. Comput., 97(3), 2023, 53.

9. Y. Jiang, H.Y. Liu, J.C. Zhang and K. Zhang, Spectral patterns of elastic transmission eigenfunctions: boundary localization, surface resonance and stress concentration. SIAM Appl. Math., 83(6), 2023, 2469-2498.

10. Y. Jiang, H.Y. Liu, T.H. Ni and K. Zhang, Inverse problems for nonlinear progressive waves. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differentia Equations, Accepted.

Geological exploration

1. C. Zhang, D.N. Huang, K. Zhang, P.T. Pu and P. Yu, Magnetic interface forward and inversion method based on Pade approximation. Applied Geophysics, 13(4), 2016, 712-720.

2. Y.J. Ji, Y.H. Zhang, Y.B. Yu, K. Zhang, J. Lin, D.S. Li, and Q. Wu, Inversion method of a highly generalized neural network based on Rademacher complexity for rough media GATEM data. Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, 2022, 1-12.

American option

1.H.M. Song, K. Zhang and Y.T. Li, Finite element and discontinuous Galerkin methods with perfect matched layers for American options. Numer. Math. Theor. Meth. Appl., 10(4), 2017, 829-851.

2. Y. Gao, H.M. Song, X.S. Wang and K. Zhang, Primal-dual active set method for pricing American better-of option on two assets. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat., 80, 2020, 104976.

Early tumor

1. X.C. Mu, M.Y. Duan, S. Liu, F. Li, X.L. Wang, K. Zhang, L. Huang, F.F. Zhou, A novel position-specific encoding algorithm (SeqPose) of nucleotide sequences and its application for detecting enhancers. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 22(6), 2021, 3079-3094.

2. X.C. Mu, Z.Y. Huang, Q.F. Chen, B.C. Shi, L. Xu, Y. Xu and K. Zhang, DeepEnhancerPPO: An interpretable deep learning approach for enhancer classification. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 25(23), 2024, 13002.

3. X.C. Mu, H.K. Zhuo, C. Chen, K. Zhang, C. Yu and J.Y. Hao, Hierarchical task network-enhanced multi-agent reinforcement learning: Toward efficient cooperative strategies. Neural Networks, 2025, 107254.

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