报告题目:Tanaka prolongation procedure, Kantor algebras, and (homotopy) Leibniz structures
报 告 人:Alexie Kotov
所在单位:University of Hradec Králové (UHK)
报告时间:March 13, 2025, 21:00-23:00
报告地点:Zoom Id: 904 645 6677,Password: 2024
报告摘要: In the first part of this lecture a brief introduction to Tanaka's theory of prolongation of non-positively graded Lie algebras will be given. This procedure will then be applied to a free Lie superalgebra. It will be shown that the resulting graded Lie superalgebra contains complete information about Leibniz brackets. At the end of the lecture, if time permits, the lecturer will explain the connection between the structures discussed and functional calculus on path spaces.
报告人简介:Alexei Kotov is an professor in University of Hradec Králové (UHK),Czechia. His research interests include super- and graded geometry, special Riemannian geometry, Lie algebroids and groupoids, geometry of PDEs, non-linear sigma models.