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数学学院、所系列学术报告(814场):Zhiwu Lin

发表于: 2018-07-10   点击: 



报告人:Zhiwu Lin
Georgia Institute of Technology

题目: Stability of relativistic stars and critical phenomena for gravitational collapse.

摘要: I will discuss the stability of nonrotating relativistic stars (white drawfs, neutron stars etc.) modeled by Euler-Einstein equation. A turning point principle for the sharp stability criterion is obtained and used to explain the stability pictures with realistic equation of states. The linear instability is always true in the strong relativistic
limit, in contrast to the Newtonian stars modeled by Euler-Poisson system. I will also discuss the critical phenomena for gravitational collapse and its possible relation to the dynamics near unstable stars. This is joint work with Hadzic and Rein.