时间: 4月11日14:00-16:30
地点: 数学楼第二学术报告厅
报告人: G. Ryabov
报告人简介:G. Ryabov博士就职于乌克兰国家科学院数学所随机过程理论系,他的研究方向是随机分析,高斯测度,无穷维空间测度,无穷维分析
Title: “Random dynamical systems for coalescing stochastic flows on the real line”
Abstract: In the lecture we will consider coalescing stochastic flows on the real line. By a stochastic flow we mean a two-parametric family
of random mappings of the real line that satisfy the evolutionary property and act homogeneously and independently on non-overlapping time intervals. In coalescing stochastic flows mappings
are not homeomorphic, i.e. they are not elements of some nice topological group of mappings of the real line. We will discuss possible approaches to the construction of a coalescing stochastic flow, and state conditions under which the flow is generated by a random dynamical system. Invariant measures for corresponding random dynamical systems will be studied.