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Sino-Russian Mathematics Center-JLU Colloquium (2024-036)—K-theory

Posted: 2024-12-09   Views: 


报 告 人:Thomas Schick

所在单位:University of Göttingen


2024年12月13日 9:00-10:00

2024年12月14日 9:00-10:00

2024年12月14日 10:10-11:10

2024年12月15日 9:00-10:00



We introduce the K-theory groups of a C∗-algebra and explain its basic properties. In a nutshell, the group K0(A) classifies A-modules (finitely generated projective) and K1(A) classifies automorphisms of the trivial modules. These come up in numerous situations, and at the same time provide information about the structure of the algebra A. We give a glimpse at computation tools and at first applications.


• Long exact sequence of an extension

• Matrix and compact operator stability

• Product structure

• Bott periodicity

• Sample calculations (Calkin index sequence)

• A glimpse at the Elliot classification program

报告人简介:Thomas Schick is a professor of Mathematics at Mathematisches Institut of Universität Göttingen . His Research areas include Topology and Geometry, Geometry and Analysis, K-Theory of C*-algebras, index theory. He was the Managing Editor der Mathematische Annalen (bis April 2022). Now he is Head of the Scientific Advisory Board of Mathematischen Forschungsinstituts Oberwolfach (MFO), Editor of Annales Mathematiques Blaise Pascal, Journal of Homotopy and related structures, and Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society.