报告题目:Modern problems in Stochastic Processes
报告人:Andrey Dorogovtsev professor(Institute of Mathematics,NAS Ukraine)
报告地点:Zoom会议ID:820 0150 4934 密码:748893
Abstract: The primary goal of the online mini-school is to illuminate the modern problems encountered in various branches of stochastic processes theory. Through a series of comprehensive lectures, we aim to explore contemporary research and applications within this field. The lectures are suitable for undergraduate students, master's students, young researchers, and everyone interested in this field. The online mini-school provides an excellent platform for creating connections and strengthening international collaborations. The mini-school's online format will allow participants to join remotely from anywhere in the world, providing convenient access to high-quality lectures.

报告人简介:Andrey Dorogovtsev教授是乌克兰国家科学院通讯院士,乌克兰国家科学院数学所随机过程理论系主任,主要从事概率论及其相关领域研究,是乌克兰概率论研究方向学术领军人物之一。Andrey Dorogovtsev教授是乌克兰与德国、乌克兰与俄罗斯等国家联合项目的乌方负责人。同时,Andrey Dorogovtsev教授是《Theory of Stochastic Processes》、《Ukraine Mathematical Journal》等杂志的编委。